Watch the video and fill in the gaps:
1. Mothers have been feeding their families cheerios __________ ____________.
2. The mother is white, the father is __________ ____________ and the little girl… well… she is… just adorable.
3. - Do you know how a family has a mummy, and daddy…
- And me!
- … you are going to have a baby brother
- Then… a ______________.
4. The difference between family lives in ___________ and today is enormous.
5. We’ve just lived through a huge period of ___________ _____________ and, you know what?, there’s no reason to think it’ll ever change.
6. In the 1950s the message was: there’s only one kind of family that’s ok, and that’s the _____________ ____________[ …]
7. - We`re just a new type of family, you know, they don’t have the right _____________ for us. They need one of us to be the mum.
- So why does it have to be me, do I wear a dress?
- Well…
- That’s a nightshirt!